Problems claiming your reward

June 12, 2018 Posted by Rebellious

Problems claiming your rewards?


Since the gas price for claiming rewards is paid for by Rebellious, claiming rewards is only possible when the gas price is at or below 15 Gwei.

If you claim your reward at 15 Gwei or lower and the gas price goes up before the transaction is picked up however, there is a built-in protection that locks out the reward function for 24 hours to prevent double rewards.

This specific problem only arises during times when the gas price is close to or at 15 Gwei.

In some cases, when trying to claim your reward multiple times in a row, the transaction hash in the popup cannot be found. When that happens, the wallet will have generated a second transaction hash. If you cannot find the transaction hash, you can check your wallet on EtherScan or any other block explorer to find the new transaction hash.

If you still have problems with claiming your reward please contact us through our contact form.
